What are the Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance?

HVAC Spring TechnicianDuring the hot summer months, you rely on your air conditioner to keep you comfortable and cool in your home. The last thing you want to experience on a 90-degree day is an air conditioning system that isn’t turning on, is blowing warm air, or won’t adjust properly. By maintaining your system and receiving annual maintenance, you’ll be able to keep your system running efficiently and properly all year long!

Improved Energy Efficiency

When dirt and debris build up in your air conditioning unit, and on the parts that are essential to your unit running efficiently, your unit must work harder than normal. When your system is working overtime, it uses more energy making it less efficient and increasing your energy costs.

When you entrust your air conditioning maintenance with Unique Indoor Comfort, our experienced team of technicians will inspect the unit for dirt and debris and clean the coils, fan blades, and motor to keep your unit running as efficient as possible.

Fewer Costly Repairs

Most homeowners put off air conditioning maintenance until something is wrong with the system. By doing this, you end up spending more money on expensive repairs than you would if you schedule regular maintenance. During your maintenance appointment, the technician will do a full inspection of your unit which will give you the opportunity to repair any issues before they become costly.

Extends Equipment Lifespan

One of the most common reasons homeowners experience issues with their air conditioning system is lack of maintenance. Don’t want to replace your air conditioning unit 5 years from now? Keep up with regular maintenance and your unit will run efficiently for years to come!

Improves Indoor Air Quality

Since your air conditioning unit is located outside and used so frequently, dirt and debris are bound to collect on the filters, blades, motors, and even the outer shell of the unit. When your air conditioning runs, that dirt, dust, and debris can travel into your home for you to breathe in. When you receive regular maintenance, this dirt, dust, and debris is removed from the system so you can breathe fresh, clean air when your air conditioning is running!

To schedule your air conditioning maintenance appointment with Unique Indoor Comfort, give us a call today at (978) 330-7460.

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