Heat pumps are a fantastic option for regulating the temperature of your home. They operate by pulling warm air into or out of your home, depending on the time of year. In the cooler months, heat pumps take warm air from outside and disperse it inside your residence. When it’s hot outside, and you need your home to feel cool, heat pumps take the warm, stuffy air from inside your house and direct it outdoors. If you’re in the market for a new heating and cooling system but are unfamiliar with heating pumps and how they work, here is what you should know.
Energy and Cost Savings
Instead of creating heat, heat pumps simply take warm air that already exists and move it to where it’s needed. This process takes far less energy than a traditional HVAC system, meaning your energy usage will go down and you’ll get a break on your monthly bills. Plus, since it’s one system that both heats and cools your home, you won’t have to pay double the amount for two separate systems to be installed and maintained.
A Safe Option
Many heating options require the use of combustion, which can be dangerous if the system is not properly monitored and maintained. Heat pumps are a safer option that relies on electricity and not oil or gas. Plus heat pumps are good for the environment
Better Air Quality
By using air from the outdoors to heat your home, your house will literally receive a breath of fresh air as the system runs. Heat pumps are also better at circulating air to the entirety of your home than traditional HVAC systems, meaning the outdoor air will reach every room for more uniform air quality.
Quieter Operation
Since heat pumps are stationed outside of the home, they make much less noise than your average HVAC system. This can help create a more comfortable living and sleeping environment that isn’t constantly interrupted by the heat kicking on or off.
Heat Pump Service in Billerica, MA: BUIC
Heat pumps can be used year-round to ensure a cozy temperature both day and night. They can also help you save money, help reduce your home’s carbon footprint, and make your residence safer and more comfortable at the same time. If your home’s heating and cooling system needs an upgrade, explore how choosing a heat pump could make keeping your home at the right temperature easier than ever before. If you are interested in having a heat pump installed on your property, contact our team to get started!