The HVAC system provides temperature control over your home, and without it, in-house residents may struggle with the heat and cold of the seasons. Owning an HVAC unit comes with a lot of responsibility, and it’s up to the homeowner to make sure that it’s functioning properly. Proper HVAC maintenance will conserve a lot of energy – which in the long run, will save you money. Listed below are a handful of ways to conserve HVAC energy.
Change the Air Filters Once a Season
To start with, you should commit to changing your air filter at least once a year. The air filter functions to capture dust, dirt, and other matter in the air; the filter is designed to remove allergens and contaminants within the home. For a changing, all you need to do is remove the vent, then clean off the filter or replace it with a brand new one. Cleaning up the indoor air quality of your home will ultimately help your HVAC system, keeping it free from debris that could otherwise get in the way. The cleaner the system is, the more efficiently it will run and less energy it will use.
Do Not Adjust the Thermostat Constantly
The thermostat plays an important role in maintaining the temperature of your home. If you’re constantly switching the thermostat on and off, this could mess with the internal structure of the system. Try to avoid this behavior, especially if you want to keep the energy expenditure at a consistent level.
Avoid Overusing the HVAC
Overuse can cause a range of issues, from heat instability to a worn-out motor. It’s not a good idea to keep the HVAC unit running constantly, as it will burn an excessive amount of energy. To avoid a costly energy bill, you should generally keep the HVAC unit off during the warmer months.
Fix Any Holes and Crevices Spotted
The next step to conserving energy is to make sure that the device is in decent shape. Check the system for holes, crevices, or any other inadequacies. If one of the utility lines has a hole in it, this could cause major leakage that wastes energy.
When to Get a New HVAC Unit
Wondering when to look for a new system for heating and cooling? You should be checking for indications of a broken down HVAC system. The most common problem signs include an inefficient amount of warming or cooling, strange odors, odd hissing noises, and inactivity from a switched thermostat. If you’ve experienced these issues on an ongoing basis, then it’s time to either repair the HVAC unit or replace it with a new model.
Professional HVAC Maintenance In Billerica, MA
Boston Unique Indoor Comfort is committed to providing exceptional HVAC services to countless towns and cities in the Greater Boston area. Contact us today if your HVAC needs a professional service!