How Does Heat Affect Indoor Air Quality?

Summer is a fun time of year for many people, but extreme heat can sometimes make the season unbearable. Extreme heat is defined as temperatures that are significantly above average for a particular location and time of year. The hottest summer on record took place in 2021. As temperatures continue to rise, it’s essential to consider how extreme heat affects indoor air quality.

Effects of Extreme Heat

Extreme heat is not just uncomfortable; it can also have severe implications for indoor air quality. As temperatures continue to rise, you must be aware of the effects of extreme heat and take steps to maintain a healthy indoor environment. In the following sections, we’ll explore how extreme heat can create scenarios for mold growth, cause air to stagnate indoors, increase pollen production, affect indoor humidity levels, and make seasonal allergies more prevalent. By understanding these effects, we can proactively ensure good indoor air quality and protect our health.

1.   Extreme Heat Invites Mold

Mold thrives in warm and humid environments, making extreme heat prime for mold growth. If your home has any areas prone to moisture, such as basements, bathrooms, or kitchens, keeping them well-ventilated and dry is essential. Poor ventilation and high humidity can lead to mold growth and negatively impact indoor air quality. Addressing mold issues promptly to prevent further growth can ensure a healthy indoor environment.

2.   Extreme Heat can cause Air to Stagnate

Extreme heat can cause air to stagnate indoors, leading to poor indoor air quality. These pollutants can irritate the lungs and worsen respiratory conditions like asthma. To improve indoor air quality during extreme heat, consider using a fan or air conditioner to circulate air and prevent it from becoming stagnant.

3.   Extreme Heat Tends to Create More Pollen

Extreme heat can lead to an increase in pollen production, making seasonal allergies more prevalent. Pollen counts tend to be higher during summer, especially in areas with high temperatures and humidity. To reduce exposure to pollen indoors, consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to capture pollen and other airborne allergens. Regularly changing air filters and cleaning air ducts can help improve indoor air quality and reduce allergen exposure.

4.   Extreme heat can affect the humidity level one seeks

Extreme heat can cause indoor humidity levels to rise, making breathing uncomfortable and difficult. High humidity levels can also lead to mold growth and worsen respiratory conditions. To maintain optimal indoor humidity levels during extreme heat, consider using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers can also help prevent mold growth and improve indoor air quality.

5.   Extreme Heat can Make Seasonal Allergies More Prevalent

As mentioned earlier, extreme heat can increase pollen production and make seasonal allergies more prevalent. Additionally, high temperatures can cause dust mites and mold spores to thrive, exacerbating allergy symptoms. To reduce exposure to allergens, consider keeping windows and doors closed during peak pollen hours and using air purifiers with HEPA filters. It’s also essential to regularly clean and dust your home to prevent the buildup of allergens.

Air Quality Experts in Billerica, MA : Boston Unique Indoor Comfort

Looking to enhance your indoor air quality this season? Just contact our team at Boston Unique Indoor Comfort and we can help you increase your indoor comfort in no time!

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