How Much Does Ductless Air Conditioning Cost?

Installing air conditioning is a big investment, especially if you need to install duct work. If you’re not ready for this large upfront cost, ductless air conditioning is a great option! Depending on the size of your home and the system you purchase, the average cost to install ductless air conditioning in your home can range between $3,000-$5,000. Although the cost is higher than a window AC unit, you have the ability to have a much more efficient system and the ability to open your windows! Plus, it’s a much lower cost than installing central air conditioning.

Learn more about the factors that contribute to the cost of ductless air conditioning below.

The Amount of Cooling You Need

One of the largest factors for the cost of your ductless air conditioning system is how large your house is and the square footage you will need to cool. A ductless HVAC system is made up of a single indoor handler that can then have multiple air handlers connected to it to cool the rest of your house.

Power Requirements

Your ductless HVAC unit will require an exterior GFCI outlet for the condensing unit to be plugged into and if you do not have one, one will need to be installed. Another factor that could increase the cost of installing a ductless HVAC system in your home would be old, outdated electrical that would need to be brought up to code before altering the system. For both these cases, you can either reach out to an HVAC expert or electricians who specialize in GFCI installation in Atlanta or in the region that you are based in. They can do the necessary repairs and ensure that your HVAC unit is in perfect working condition.

Installation Time & Hourly Rate

A large chunk of your total ductless HVAC cost is going to be the labor that is involved when installing your air conditioning system. The process include the indoor unit(s) being mounted on the wall, position an outdoor unit on a concrete slab in your yard, and run refrigerant lines, control wiring, and electrical connections between the units.

Most of the installation process is straight forward but it does take the HVAC technician time to do, and they need to properly be paid for their time.

Ductless Air Conditioning Efficiency

Ductless air conditioning systems are very efficient. When purchasing a system, keep your eye out for the efficiency rating on the unit. They will cost more upfront but will save you more money in the long run.

To schedule your ductless air conditioning system installation, contact our team today at (781) 933-7878.

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