How Your HVAC System Can Help with Allergies

allergiesSummer is in full force and that means sneezing, sniffly noses, sore throats, and itchy eyes. Allergy season is here! Combined with the hot summer temperatures, the best place to be to keep your symptoms at bay is indoors, but sometimes your home contains more allergens and pollutants than the outdoors. By keeping up with regular HVAC maintenance, you are able to rid your home of these allergens.

Common Indoor Allergens

  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Dust Mites

Other factors such as household cleaners, chemical drain cleaners, bug sprays, scented candles, room sprays and hairspray, and perfumes can cause poor indoor air quality.

Your HVAC System

The indoor air quality in your home is directly affected by the products you use in your home and how often you keep up with HVAC maintenance. By scheduling regular maintenance, your filters will be cleaned and replaced, the ducts in your home will be dust-free, and your system will run more efficiently. Together, this eliminates the amount of allergens and particles that are pushed through your system and into the air you breathe in your home.

If you are replacing your filters, it’s crucial to go with a HEPA (High Energy Pollution Air) filter, which are rated a value between 1-20. The higher value your HEPA filter has, the cleaner your air will be. These filters should be cleaned and replaced regularly to reduce the allergens in your home.

To schedule your air conditioning maintenance appointment, give our team a call today at (781) 933-7878.

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