Why Choose a High Velocity Air Conditioning System?


Despite the recent snow, spring is officially here, and the time has never been better to start planning an upgrade to your heating and air conditioning system as the ice and snow continues to thaw. For new construction or older homes with failing heating or air conditioning systems, Boston Unique Indoor Comfort can help you with one of the best investments you can make in your home to improve your quality of life, and that is the addition of a high-velocity air conditioning system.

What is High-Velocity Air Conditioning?

High-velocity Air Conditioning systems use an efficient central system to power a highly temperature-regulated flow of air through your home. Like any regulated temperature control system in your house, a high-velocity air conditioning system actively monitors the temperature across the room in your house and moves cold and hot air in or out of your home to adjust the temperature. But while traditional, low-velocity systems detect temperatures and then slowly use diffusion to draw air from the vents, high-velocity systems use aspiration, which creates air currents that constantly re-adjust the temperature of your rooms to match your desired temperature. This allows for simpler ductwork, lower energy costs, and faster adjustment to temperature changes.

Is a High-Velocity Air Conditioning Right for my Home?

If you are a homeowner who already has an effective HVAC system installed into your home, you may have more economical options available than a full upgrade. But for new construction or homeowners with older, inefficient heating systems, the efficiency provided by a high velocity mini-duct HVAC system has the potential to save you thousands in utility costs over the lifetime of your home, all the while keeping you warm in the winters and cool in the summers with lower maintenance costs than traditional systems. and lower noise levels than a traditional HVAC system.

What Other Benefits are Provided By High Velocity Air Conditioning Systems?

Besides the savings on energy costs, high-velocity HVAC systems let you keep the temperature higher than traditional HVAC systems. High-velocity systems are also quieter, have minimally invasive ducts, faster cooling and heating, 30% better humidity removal on hot days on average, and are more quickly and conveniently installed with less remodeling and without requiring any additional space in your yard or home. The speed of cooling provided by high-velocity HVAC system also gives you the option to save money by adjusting your thermostat when you leave your home, and setting the temperature back to the levels you like when you arrive back at your home with a near instantaneous temperature adjustment.

If you are looking for more information on high-velocity air conditioning systems, contact a specialist at Boston Unique Indoor Comfort at 781-933-7878. We can give you a free consultation and estimate with more information about the best HVAC system that is right for your home.

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