Why Does My Furnace Smell?

Your furnace is an air system that controls the temperature of the home, spreading warm air throughout the place.  Because it’s often performing heat conduction in an enclosed space, the furnace might end up smelling strange or unpleasant to the in-house resident. The odor can manifest in various ways, from a burning plastic smell to a musty damp smell. Continue reading to learn more about possible reasons your furnace smells unusual.

What Causes a Burning Furnace Smell?

A burning smell is often indicative of an inactive furnace. Dust gathers over time, and the accumulation creates an unpleasant smell when it’s combined with heat. Keeping a clean, dustless furnace will help in avoiding this issue, so you will need to do regular cleanings.

Electrical Issues with the Furnace                          

When the odor smells like burnt plastic, then something could be wrong with the electrical wiring. The furnace is run by a complicated electrical system that carries wiring, plugs, and outlets. If some of the plastic wire casing is melting from too much heat exposure, then it will cause an unpleasant smell that you’ll need to deal with.

Mold and Mildew Odor

The growth of mold and mildew is a common problem for households, with damp spaces causing most amount of trouble. You’ll mostly likely find mold or mildew spread around water leaks. If your furnace is sitting next to laundry appliance, bathroom fixtures, or other water sources, then it’s at risk of developing these fungal growths. Regular cleanups will prevent the spread of mold, as will reducing the amount of moisture your home receives.

Gas Leak Smells

This odor is particularly dangerous, as exposure to a gas leak can result in a hazardous situation. The smell of rotting eggs is usually a major indicator of a gas leak, as is a hissing sound or a dying plant life nearby. If your home smells like rotting eggs, it’s recommended that you evacuate the area and call for help of some sort. If the furnace is emanating a gas-like odor, then you should shut off the gas supply valve.

Heating Services in Billerica, MA: BUIC

Boston Unique Indoor Comfort has a variety of ways to keep Massachusetts residents comfortable year-round. Contact us today to learn about the unique ways we can keep you and your home warm this year!


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