Should I Be Using My Thermostat’s “On” or “Auto” Setting?

thermostatYour HVAC system’s thermostat comes with a variety of ways to customize the airflow in your home, allowing you to stay comfortable no matter what time of the year it is. But what about the thermostats fan settings? Do you choose “on” or “auto”? Many homeowners think there isn’t much of a difference, but there is, and you always want to keep your thermostat’s fan on “auto.”

What’s the Difference Between the Two?

The “Auto” Setting – Your system’s fan will only run during the heating and cooling cycles your thermostat is set to. Once the desired temperature is reached, the fan will shut off until the next cycle.

The “On” Setting – When your fan is set to “On” it will run consistently throughout the day, regardless of whether the desired temperature has been reached or if there is a heating or cooling cycle on.

Benefits of Using the “Auto” Setting

  1. Lower Energy Costs. With the auto setting, your fan will only turn on and be used when the heating or cooling cycle is on. This way, no air or energy is wasted.
  2. Less Frequent Repairs. Since the fan is only turning on intermittently throughout the day, it’s only running when it needs to be. This allows the fan to see less wear and tear and repairs won’t be needed as frequently compared to having it running all the time.
  3. Longer Lasting Filter. When your air conditioning fan is being run constantly, the fan is hard at work removing any impurities (dust, dirt, debris) which means your filter will need to be replaced more frequently. By running your fan only when it needs to run, your filter will last longer, and you won’t have to replace it as often.

 Are your thermostat’s out of date? Give Unique Indoor Comfort a call today to learn more about the newer options out there that will keep your HVAC system running efficiently and save you money at 781-933-7878.

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